Writers, reviewers, and bloggers all around the web share their opinion on Escape the Dream. Browse below for highlights of each article or review, and follow the links to read the originals in their entirety!

Joel Zaloum, JesusFreakHideout.com:
"[Escape the Dream's] mix of uplifting orchestration, furious riffing, and theologically-rich metaphors culminate into a fantastical allegory of Christ. ... Mastermind Barry Dreier has an almost chant-like quality to his voice, which lends itself well to the medieval, high-church atmosphere. Conceptually, this is Harry Potter meets Pilgrims Progress. Musically, it's Nightwish meets Powerwolf. At times tender, at times surprisingly brutal, Escape the Dream is an extremely welcome reality, and deserves wide recognition."
Read the full review here.

Glenn Remsen, Lithoscry.com:
"Reflection of Glory takes the symphonic metal genre to its heavenly pinnacle by merging the epic sound of the genre with poetic lyrics that exalt the holiness and mysteriousness of God. ... Escape The Dream is highly profitable for edification and understanding one’s self in the midst of a world of well-constructed lies. ... The orchestral melodies, intense guitar riffs, and backing choirs carry the lyrical content with an ease that is pleasing to the ear and a sensibility that makes the message easy to follow." Read the full review here.

Scott Fryberger, JesusFreakHideout.com:
"Reflection of Glory's second metal album [Escape the Dream] is a rather impressive one... [and] is at its best when it's using driving rock and power metal, with Dreier's soaring vocals layered on top. ... It's very well done. ... Escape the Dream is solid evidence that Barry Dreier is more than accomplished at symphonic and power metal. I have high hopes for Reflection of Glory and am very interested in where things go from here."
Read the full review here.

Stephanie Peterson, JesusWired.com:
"[Escape the Dream] offers a vast and rich musical landscape with its symphonic metal, perhaps something different than what one would typically think of as “Christian metal.” This whole album is truly an experience, with its sweeping orchestral interludes and heavy guitars, to its deep, poetic, introspective lyrics. Read the full review here.

Ton Ringenier, Beyond the Grave:
"This album was a pleasure to listen to. Barry is a talented guy with a great future. Many great songs, enough variation, and the production is phenomenal. ... The quality of this album is impressive, especially for this is a one-man project. ... With some very nice heavy riffs with great orchestral passages, and also some better vocal passages. ... This album is exceptionally rich in Biblical and theological truths. ... this is an album you have to listen to. Symphonic power metal at its finest." Read the full review here.

Jacob Folk, Christian Molten Metal:
"From the soaring vocals to the symphonic touches to the poundin' drum lines 'Escape The Dream' is sure to capture the attention of the Power Metal community. ... Yes, the vocals are spot on with enough hooks & energy to keep the listener coming back for more! ... [Barry] shows his prowess behind the six strings from track to track with driving guitars and lightening fast fret work. ... If you are looking to add some Symphonic Power Metal to your collection then check out what 'Reflection of Glory' has delivered up!" Read the full review here.

Adminstrel, EpicMetalKingdom:
"I'd highly recommend this album, ... But what you get for that duration is nonstop great compositions (whether they are placed strategically or not), and I must add that there's no sugary happiness in the music; the tone is often earnest and sometimes melancholic. ... The Hound of Heaven kicks off the album with drums and lush orchestrations, driving into a 12 minute beast of an opener with a drive behind it .... It's a bold move to start with your longest song, but it absolutely works.
Read the full review on Facebook here.

Rob Birtley, XStream Noise Radio:
"There is a massive amount of crisp guitar licks and shooting guitar solos, blending effortlessly with the orchestral flourishes. ... All in all superbly crafted and mind boggling it’s all the work of one person. ... There is a relentless energy about it that keeps you on the edge of your seat, a pounding unsettling vibe... The guitar is so solid it almost hits you out of the speakers... There is plenty here to attract fans of Threshold, Theocracy and Narnia. Everything ... not only shows great care but extremely high standards.
Read the full review here.

Andrew Rockwell, AngelicWarlord.com:
"When looking for ... power and progressive metal with strong symphonic influences, you can’t go wrong with Reflection of Glory. ... [The music] does not wear out its welcome despite the length, ... It proves heavier and darker, with resounding guitars hammering in and out of the mix but not backing from the symphonic emphasis. ... kudos to Barry for a penchant to compose such catchy Theocracy-like melodies. ... You can do no wrong with Reflection of Glory's album Escape The Dream.
Read the full review here.